Thi is TAST 1 started by Lisa and interested in trying out varities of stitches.
here is the link.
week3Detached chain stitch
week5 Chevron stitch
week 6 Algerian eye stitch
week 8 Fly stitch
week 9 cross stitch
week 11 upand down buttonhole stitch
Tast 1 week 12 is couch.
This is the trial of mine.
Here i couched the yellow wool by green wool to form like a circle. The circle was finished by red wool couched by green thread. and buttonhole stitch.
The Tast1 week 13 and 14 areknotted creton and bonnet stitches. here they are.
Tast 1 week 16 isPalastrina stitch and here it is
Tast 1 week 17 is running stitch and it is here.